Associazione Baskin ODV

Via Altobello Melone 18/20

26100 Cremona

Baskin is a new sporting activity that is inspired by basketball but has special and innovative features. A set of 10 rules governs the game, giving it incredibly dynamic and unpredictable characteristics. This new sport is designed to allow able-bodied and disabled youngsters to play in the same team (made up of both boys and girls!). In fact, Baskin allows the active participation of players with any type of disability (physical and/or mental) that allows them to shoot a basket. The rigid structure of official sports is thus challenged and this proposal, carried out in the school, becomes a social workshop.

The 10 rules emphasise the contribution of each boy/girl within the team: indeed, joint success really depends on everyone. This adaptation, which personalises the responsibility of each player during the game, positively overcomes the spontaneous tendency towards a 'caring' attitude sometimes present in proposals for physical activities for disabled people.

The Baskin rules adapt:

  1. the material (use of several baskets: two normal ones; two lower lateral ones);
  2. the space (protected areas provided to ensure shooting in the side baskets);
  3. rules (each player has a role defined by his motor skills and consequently has a direct opponent of the same level. These roles are numbered from 1 to 5 and have their own rules);
  4. deliveries (possible assignment of a tutor, team player who can more or less directly accompany the actions of a disabled companion).

Game rules - Baskin Discipline (Rev. 18)

For anything not defined in the following Rules of Play please refer to the Official Technical Regulations of Basketball 2019 of the

Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro FIP and any subsequent official changes, including those not yet integrated in the official text, but

published in separate documents. For the practice outside the Italian territory the reference Regulation is that of the National Federation

of FIBA reference area (i.e., Fédération Française de basket-ball FFBB for France) and, in the absence of Federation of reference, that

of the FIBA itself.

The proposed changes are highlighted in yellow and concern: Role 1 and loose ball in his area - Role 2T can take rebound - Role 2 and

possibility of shooting from rebound - Role 3 and inability to pass the ball after a dribble with run - Role 3 can make 3 points by shooting

in the traditional basket only if he receives outside the restricted area - Role 3 and need to make two dribbles before bringing the ball the

pivot. It was maintained, still being experimental, the part of Rule no. 8 on illegal "offensive aids", highlighted in blue. Modified the definition

of the players introducing the diction: player with or without disabilities.

Nuovo paragrafo

N° Revisione Data N° Revisione Data N° Revisione Data
1 25/10/2007 7 12/10/2011 13 05/09/2018
2 25/10/2007 8 14/11/2012 14 01/09/2019
3 25/10/2008 9 03/10/2013 15 06/10/2021
4 28/08/2009 10 (integrata) 10/11/2014 16 19/11/2021
5 14/05/2010 11 02/11/2015 17 02/09/2022
6 13/10/2010 12 18/10/2016 18 08/09/2023









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