Rules for use of the BASKIN trade mark
In order to promote the integration of able-bodied and differently-abled people through the sporting activity of Baskin, a regulation has been drawn up to protect its application from the risks of its distorted use, alteration of purposes or for speculative ends. The Baskin brand is not intended to replace anything that already exists or anything that other initiatives may achieve, but, through its recognisability, to make a dialogue between diversities possible by setting them on paths of respectful sharing of intent.
Art. 1
By "BASKIN" we mean the logo registered at EUIPO - European Union Intellectual Property Office by the Baskin Association established in Cremona on 20 June 2006.
Art. 2
Anyone wishing to use the "baskin" mark is entitled to submit a specific application containing the following requirements
a) subject making the request
b) reason and scope of use;
c) indicative period of use;
d) declaration of full knowledge and acceptance of these regulations;
e) references for the necessary contacts and consequent understandings.
Art. 3
The request is examined by the Board of the Baskin Association, which expresses its approval (with a maximum of one dissent) or non-approval, giving its reasons. The board may decide to take the request to the assembly for approval, which must decide with a 2/3 majority of those present. The board or the assembly shall determine the terms of the concession and shall verify the applicant's acceptance by means of a signed written document.
Art. 4
An applicant who is granted the right to use the trade mark
a) may not transfer the use to third parties;
b) must always use the trade mark in its entirety;
c) may use the trade mark on its own, in combination with its own trademarks or with trademarks or emblems of an institutional nature, with other trademarks or symbols if it has made a request to do so (duly approved by the Baskin Association), even after the application for the concession of use has been made.
Art. 5
In addition to the provisions of the letter of grant of use, the applicant shall
a) not perform any act or omission that may damage, or in any way harm the reputation of the trade mark;
b) maintain contact with the Baskin Association in order to enhance collaboration;
c) apply the regulations relating to the game of Baskin.
Art. 6
The applicant, for its justified needs, can request to apply the Baskin playing regulations with derogations or only partially, or with proposals for certain modifications and/or additions. The granting of this possibility follows the procedure in Art. 3 of these regulations.
Art. 7
Reproduction or use of the logo for purposes other than those envisaged in the application and subsequent concession, which have not been approved in advance by the Baskin Association, will result in the immediate forfeiture of the right to use the logo.
Art. 8
The Baskin Association will have the right to take legal action, in accordance with the regulations on the protection of trademarks, against anyone who uses the Baskin logo without prior authorisation.
Once completed, the document is to be sent by e-mail to
Via Altobello Melone 18/20
26100 Cremona
Tutti i diritti riservati | Associazione Baskin