Associazione Baskin ODV

Via Altobello Melone 18/20

26100 Cremona

What's baskin?

  • Recognised sport from 2019.
  • Open to all, players with and without disabilities, of all levels and ages.
  • It is inclusive, engaging and competitive.
  • Matches, regular territorial and national championships and even international tournaments are played.
  • In Italy there are over 5,600 players, coaches, referees, officials and managers and over 5.000 students.
  • More than 20,000 people including families, relatives, friends and sympathisers actively revolve around Baskin.
  • It is also popular in Spain, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Germany, Serbia and Belgium.



Number of ASDs EISI affiliates


Italian regions with Baskin teams


In Italy among players and players, coaches, referees, officials and managers


Students playing Baskin at school every year


Spread the values of inclusive ethics through sport.


  • Spreading baskin throughout all Italian regions and later in Europe.
  • Strengthen and promote it in all schools.
  • Improve its marketing, communication, digital, relations with institutions, internal management and with regional and local managers.
  • Have more and more basketball clubs, starting with the A series, create their own Baskin teams.
  • Provide support and guidelines to increase the number of teams already present and increase the number of countries involved in the movement.
  • Involve testimonials with great human, social and professional values.



 The friends of Baskin


Baskin is an integral part of the Vanoli Basket family and is a project that we support because we share values such as inclusion and attention to disabilities.

Vanoli Basket's journey, which started in Soresina in 1996, was consolidated in Cremona and on 7 June 2009 the club entered Serie A for the first time, playing 13 consecutive championships in the top division and winning the 2019 Coppa Italia.


Baskin is inclusive spirit, enthusiasm and love 

for the game.

 Pallacanestro Reggiana was founded on 3 September 1974. Five decades on, the club boasts more than 40 seasons in the professional ranks and more than 10 consecutive in Serie A, counting in its palmares a Eurochallenge, an Italian Supercup and six promotions to Serie A, as well as two youth championships.


Founder and National President Basket Magistrates

The National Basketball Team discovered Baskin a few years ago in Cremona, where it was born, and still today, every time we attend one of their games, it excites and engages us.

Already a player, he began his career as a magistrate in Termini Imerese, and then continued it in Palermo and Trapani. He became a member of the Superior Council of the Magistracy and finally ended his career as public prosecutor in Caltanissetta.


 Head coach Fenerbahce Istanbul

Basketball has always set an example in many aspects for other sports as well, and Baskin, the world's first inclusive sport, is further proof of this.

As head coach: two Euroleagues, 2 Euroleague Coach of the Year, 6 Russian championships, 6 VTB United League (Russian and neighbouring teams); as assistant: 5 Euroleagues, 11 Greek championships.


UMANA Venezia and Italian
National Team

Baskin was born from a wonderful idea and allows people to have fun, integrate and share: it is unique!

She made her debut in the A1 Series with Costa Masnaga at the age of 14 and in 2021 at the age of 16 she took the field with the senior Italian national team.


Famila Schio and Italian
National Team

For me, it is super exciting when men, I mean men and women, overcome all stereotypes and prejudices and create unity. This is Baskin, fantastic!


The daughter of Randolph Keys, a former Serie A player in Treviso and Verona, she won the last two Serie A1 championships with Famila Schio.


NBA and NCAA commentator
for Sky Sport.

Playing Baskin makes the eyes of girls, boys and their families shine. 

It is so beautiful that it makes you feel selfish.

A former player in Serie A and the national team, with a Silver at the 2004 Athens Olympics, he currently plays Baskin in Piacenza.


Coach and RAI Sport pundit

Baskin: action, sharing, emotion.

He has coached men's and women's teams, was assistant coach of the senior men's national teams and head coach of the youth national teams and has been a pundit for RAI Sport for many years.

Baskin News

by Associazione Baskin 7 December 2024
Si corre, si gioca e si vive nel bello sport tanto sognato, creato da menti gagliarde emotive, per l’inclusione lo hanno donato. Da molti lustri si volle giovare l’animo mesto dei difficoltosi, per fare squadra, per far giocare e fare di tutti fieri e virtuosi. Dalle rive del fiume padano giunse tal sport gioioso e leale, fatto per volgere l’animo umano ad esser gentile, ad esser cordiale. E tutti applaudono in cor giubilante quando la mano si slancia a lanciare, pacatamente o col grido esultante mentre chi prova veloce a marcare. Per ogni palestra si scorge l’atmosfera dello stare insieme, sfilano i numeri, la mano si porge e dell’inclusione è già sparso il seme. E’ giunto il momento: si gioca col cuore denso di azioni felici la speranza è qui, non è fioca nello sport che ci rende amici. Questa bellissima ode al Bakin 🌈 ci è stata regalata da Lorenzo Zanella della squadra Baskin Schio che ringraziamo di cuore per le emozionanti parole
by Associazione Baskin 6 December 2024
Nel pomeriggio del 29 novembre si è tenuto il Convegno "Lo Sport progettato per tutti - alla scoperta di nuove frontiere dello Sport". Moderatore della serata è stato il Presidente dell’Unasci, avv.Bruno Gozzelino, mentre i relatori sono stati: la prof.ssa Sira Miola di Vicenza, Vice Presidente EISI (Ente Italiano Sport Inclusivi), sul tema: "Baskin a scuola: un design pedagogico"; prof. Fausto Cappellini di Cremona, Consigliere Nazionale EISI - Vice Presidente Associazione Baskin Cremona, sul tema: "Baskin, breve storia e caratteristiche di uno sport nuovo"; ing. Antonio Bodini, Consigliere Nazionale EISI - Presidente Associazione Baskin Cremona) sul tema: "Baskin e EISI, come progettare lo Sport per tutti: nascita, situazione attuale e sviluppo in Italia"; prof.ssa Patrizia Marti di Roma, docente presso l’Università di Siena, sul tema: "L’intelligenza artificiale nel mondo della disabilità"; avv. Paolo Ridolfi - CONI Point Siena, sul tema: "Un esperienza personale"; dott. Andrea Causarano di Siena - medico sportivo, sul tema: "I profili medici sportivi degli sport inclusivi". Presente anche il Presidente del Coni Regionale Simone Cardullo. A fare gli onori di casa il Presidente dell’Asd Costone Siena Emanuele Montomoli e il Presidente dell’Associazione Costone Ricreatorio Pio II don Massimiliano Gabbricci. L’evento ha ottenuto il Patrocinio del Comune di Siena, oltre a quello del CONI Nazionale, del Ministero dello Sport con il progetto ‘Sport e Salute’, della Regione Toscana, della Provincia di Siena. Grande l'interesse per il baskin suscitato nei partecipanti! #baskin #eisi #CIP
by Associazione Baskin 29 November 2024
A Sciarè sono quaranta giocatori tesserati, di cui diciotto con disabilità di vario tipo. Ci sono giocatori di basket, persone che giocano a calcio e pallavolo “prestate” al basket, persone in carrozzina che giocano come “ruolo 1” e altri con diversa disabilità “ruolo 2” (ruolo 1 e 2 sono quelli che tirano ai canestri laterali). «Si punta sull’abilità, la differenza qui diventa occasione: la squadra esiste solo nella differenza». Leggi l'intero articolo su

“Caro Marziano” Pif talks about Baskin

Baskin means Integrated Basketball. It is not just a sport for everyone, but for everyone together: male and female, disabled and able-bodied. Everyone has a key role to play and everyone must invest their resources to achieve, together, the result. Baskin is a sport in its own right, you win and you lose, and everyone contributes what they know and what they can. A rare example of true integration. In Este, a quadrangular match was played between four teams from Veneto awaiting the start of the championship: the best opportunity to get to know this sport and its protagonists up close.

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